Conditional compilation with "if" and "use" in Elixir

# TL; DR

If an optional module requires you to use use Module in your code, you will need to check the availability of that module before defmodule and use Module:

# The condition here does have to be Code.ensure_loaded?(OptionalModule)
# It can be Application.compile_env(:my_app, :enable_optional_feature)
# or any other conditions that can be evaluted at compile-time
if Code.ensure_loaded?(OptionalModule) do
  defmodule MyLibrary do
    use OptionalModule, option: value
    def my_function do
  defmodule MyLibrary do
    def my_function do
      raise RuntimeError, """
      `OptionalModule` does not exist. To use this feature,
      please add `:optional_module` to the dependency list.

and following code won't work, although it looks simpler and is seemingly correct.

defmodule MyLibrary do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(OptionalModule) do
    use OptionalModule, option: value
    def my_function do
    def my_function do
      raise RuntimeError, """
      `OptionalModule` does not exist. To use this feature,
      please add `:optional_module` to the dependency list.

# Environment for This Post

At the time of writing, I'm using Elixir version v1.14.1. OTP version and operating system are not related to the things discussed below.

This behaviour is unlikely to change in the future, however, if you are using a future version of Elixir, please always verify the correctness/validity of the code and the conclusion in the post.

# A careless mistake?

A few hours ago I received an issue report related to evision v0.1.14 on elixirforum, and the issue can be reproduced in one line:

$ iex
iex> Mix.install({:evision, "== 0.1.14"})
==> evision
Compiling 179 files (.ex)

== Compilation error in file lib/smartcell/ml_traindata.ex ==
** (CompileError) lib/smartcell/ml_traindata.ex:3: module Kino.JS is not loaded and could not be found. This may be happening because the module you are trying to load directly or indirectly depends on the current module
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/2
    lib/smartcell/ml_traindata.ex:3: Evision.SmartCell.ML.TrainData (module)
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.if/2
    lib/smartcell/ml_traindata.ex:2: Evision.SmartCell.ML.TrainData (module)
could not compile dependency :evision, "mix compile" failed. Errors may have been logged above. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile evision", update it with "mix deps.update evision" or clean it with "mix deps.clean evision"

And how did I fail to catch this, or how did this bug hide under the seemingly correct code? Is this simply a careless mistake or is there something deeper inside it? Let me unroll this story about if and use for you.

# Use if at Compile-time

Using if at compile-time is pretty common to see in Elixir. It is mainly used to define some functions under some conditions, for example

defmodule A do
  if 1 < 2 do
    def print, do: IO.puts("Yes, 1 < 2")
    def print, do: IO.puts("Oh...")


And if we run it, the expected behaviour is that the program prints Yes, 1 < 2 and exits.

$ mix run --no-mix-exs exmaple.exs
Yes, 1 < 2

Also, we can verify that the elixir compiler will remove the false branch of the if-statement (if the condition can be determined at compile-time)

defmodule A do
  if 1 < 2 do
    def should_exist, do: IO.puts("ok")
    def should_not_exist, do: IO.puts("what")

$ mix run --no-mix-exs false-branch.exs
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function A.should_not_exist/0 is undefined or private. Did you mean:

      * should_exist/0

    (elixir 1.14.0) lib/code.ex:1245: Code.require_file/2
    (mix 1.14.0) lib/mix/tasks/run.ex:144:

Lastly, we can verify that if we use the return value of Code.ensure_loaded?/1, it will do the same thing as the above examples -- we can expect only the code under the true branch will be compiled:

# mix new ensure_loaded_example
# cd ensure_loaded_example

defmodule A do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(B) do
    def has_b?, do: true
    def should_not_exists, do: IO.puts("what")
    def has_b?, do: false
    def should_exists, do: IO.puts("ok")

Let's try it in the IEx session, iex -S mix

$ iex -S mix
iex> A.has_b?
iex> defmodule B do
...> end
iex> A.has_b?
iex> A.should_exists
iex> A.should_not_exists
** (UndefinedFunctionError) function A.should_not_exists/0 is undefined or private. Did you mean:

      * should_exists/0

    (task1b 0.1.0) A.should_not_exists()
    iex:5: (file)

# Apply What We Have Learnt So Far

Now, a quick background on the module that caused the compilation error: we'd like to write a module that implements Kino.SmartCell, and we'd like this to be an optional feature.

Therefore, we should check if Kino.SmartCell is loaded, if yes, we then follow kino's SmartCell tutorial, define our own functions and get the job done; otherwise, no functions will be defined in this module.

With the above idea in mind, we have the following code:

defmodule Evision.SmartCell.ML.TrainData do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(Kino.SmartCell) do
    use Kino.JS, assets_path: "lib/assets"
    # ...

At first glance, this code looks good to me because

  1. Kino.SmartCell is built on top of Kino.JS. Therefore, if Kino.SmartCell is loaded, then Kino.JS must be loaded too.
  2. we use use after we have ensured that Kino.JS is loaded.

Of course, :kino is indeed listed in deps in evision's mix.exs file.

# What Went Wrong?

Well then, let's face the inevitable question -- what went wrong?

Apparently, the elixir compiler tried to evaluate the use-statement on line 3, although we expected the compiler to completely avoid evaluating this false branch. However, since the elixir compiler has to check all the code, including the code in the false branch, is syntactically correct, e.g., the following code will not pass the syntax check:

defmodule Foo do
  if false do
$ mix run --no-mix-exs foo.exs
** (SyntaxError) foo.exs:9:3: unexpected reserved word: end. The "(" at line 8 is missing terminator ")"
    (elixir 1.14.0) lib/code.ex:1245: Code.require_file/2
    (mix 1.14.0) lib/mix/tasks/run.ex:144:
    (mix 1.14.0) lib/mix/tasks/run.ex:84:
    (mix 1.14.0) lib/mix/task.ex:421: anonymous fn/3 in Mix.Task.run_task/4
    (mix 1.14.0) lib/mix/cli.ex:84: Mix.CLI.run_task/2

During this process, macros will be expanded. You might have already known that use is a macro. So yes, that's where the problem emerges.

Based on the information given in the Getting Started manual on, the following code

defmodule A do
  use Kino.JS, assets: "lib/assets"

will be compiled into

defmodule A do
  require Kino.JS
  Kino.JS.__using__(assets: "lib/assets")

Since __using__ is a macro, we have to call require to bring in all the macros defined in that module.

You see, if the application :kino is optional and the user didn't list :kino in their deps, then require will surely fail because it cannot find the Kino.JS module let alone the macros defined in Kino.JS.

And require will fail even if the use-statement (or the require-statement, after the expansion) is technically inside the false branch of an if-statement, and even when the condition is absolutely false:

defmodule A do
  if false do
    use NOT_EXISTS
$ mix run --no-mix-exs absolutely-false.exs
** (CompileError) absolutely-false.exs:3: module NOT_EXISTS is not loaded and could not be found
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/1
    example.exs:3: A (module)
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.if/2
    example.exs:2: A (module)

Any Solution to This?

The simplest way is, of course, listing :kino as a required dependency, but I found another way to solve this issue while keeping :kino as an optional dependency.

We just saw that the following code would cause a compilation error,

defmodule A do
  if false do
    use NOT_EXISTS

but if we slightly re-arrange these three macros (yes, defmodule, if and use they are all macros), we can achieve what we want:

if false do
  defmodule A do
    use NOT_EXISTS

As for evision, we can change the code from

defmodule Evision.SmartCell.ML.TrainData do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(Kino.SmartCell) do
    use Kino.JS, assets_path: "lib/assets"
    # ...

to the following

if Code.ensure_loaded?(Kino.SmartCell) do
  defmodule Evision.SmartCell.ML.TrainData do
    use Kino.JS, assets_path: "lib/assets"
    # ...

And...problem solved! However, this post will not end here without knowing its reasons -- why this happened in the first place? why it works after re-arranging if, defmodule and use.

# The Reasons and Explanations

After digging into Elixir's source code for a few hours, I found some clues that might be related to this. Since we placed the if-statement first and it solved the problem, I was guessing that it might have something to do with the Elixir compiler and how the compiler behaves when traversing the AST (abstract syntax tree).

  1. The first clue is about macro expansion, like when macros are expanded by the compiler.
  2. The second one is the optimize_boolean/1 function in build_if/2 in kernel.ex. Maybe the if-statement here didn't get optimised, which could cause the compilation error.
  3. The last clue I suspected is allows_fast_compilation/1 for defmodule, in elixir_compiler.erl. Because the name of this function is kinda sus, and based on the name, it seems to allow the compiler to skip/defer the evaluation of defmodule.
allows_fast_compilation({defmodule, _, [_, [{do, _}]]}) ->

Then I decided to ask @josevalim about this question, and he replied kindly, and his answers solved this puzzle. I'll now connect all the dots along with his answers and explain this mystery below.

A big thanks to José!

In Elixir's source code (v1.14.1), defmodule is defined in kernel.ex,

defmacro defmodule(alias, do_block)

use is in kernel.ex too

defmacro use(module, opts \\ [])

and, of course, as spoiled above, if is also a macro

defmacro if(condition, clauses)

And macros are always expanded before the branches (e.g., an if-statement has two branches, true and false) are evaluated. That is to say, when the compiler sees the following code

defmodule A do
  if false do
    use NOT_EXISTS

It will expand the macros first:

defmodule A do
  if false do
    require NOT_EXISTS

But it will fail when evaluating require NOT_EXISTS because the module does not exist. We can see this based on the traced stack:

When the compiler sees an if-statement, it will go inside and expand macros (if any). That's why the Kernel.use/1 is on top of Kernel.if/2 in the traced stack:

$ mix run --no-mix-exs absolutely-false.exs
** (CompileError) absolutely-false.exs:3: module NOT_EXISTS is not loaded and could not be found
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/1
    example.exs:3: A (module)
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.if/2
    example.exs:2: A (module)

And then I asked why putting if before defmodule will not cause the same compilation error. And José answered:

Because there are a few things that delay macro expansion, such as defining new modules or defining functions. Because you can do this:

module = Foo
defmodule module do

Therefore, to define the module, you must execute the line that defines it. So only after you execute the line, the macros are expanded. defmodule A do ... end compiles to something like this:

:elixir_module.compile(A, ast_of_the_module_body)

that AST will only be expanded if the module is in fact defined.

Therefore, the following code

defmodule A do
  if false do
    use NOT_EXISTS

is first compiled to the following quoted code in kernel.ex

quote do
  :elixir_module.compile(unquote(expanded), unquote(escaped), unquote(module_vars), __ENV__)

And this emitted code will be executed because the defmodule in this example is unconditionally written in the source code instead of existing in the false branch of an if-statement. When :elixir_module.compile/4 is invoked, the if-statement will be evaluated, and the use macro will be expanded during the evaluation process of if.

Again, we can verify this by looking at the stacktrace:

$ mix run --no-mix-exs absolutely-false.exs
** (CompileError) absolutely-false.exs:3: module NOT_EXISTS is not loaded and could not be found
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/1
    example.exs:3: A (module)
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.if/2
    example.exs:2: A (module)

Searching is not loaded and could not be found in Elixir's source code will bring us to format_error/1 in elixir_aliases.erl.

format_error({unloaded_module, Module}) ->
  io_lib:format("module ~ts is not loaded and could not be found", [inspect(Module)]);

Since unloaded_module is an atom, we can search it and trace back where it was produced. And it only appears in the same file in ensure_loaded/3.

ensure_loaded(Meta, Module, E) ->
  case code:ensure_loaded(Module) of
    {module, Module} ->

    _ ->
      case wait_for_module(Module) of
        found ->

        Wait ->
          Kind = case lists:member(Module, ?key(E, context_modules)) of
            true ->
              case ?key(E, module) of
                Module -> circular_module;
                _ -> scheduled_module
            false when Wait == deadlock ->
            false ->

          elixir_errors:form_error(Meta, E, ?MODULE, {Kind, Module})

This function will first check if the module is already loaded, if not, it will invoke wait_for_module/1 and wait for the module to be compiled if that module exists and can be compiled.

wait_for_module(Module) ->
  case erlang:get(elixir_compiler_info) of
    undefined -> not_found;
    _ -> 'Elixir.Kernel.ErrorHandler':ensure_compiled(Module, module, hard)

Yet obviously module NOT_EXISTS does not exist, and 'Elixir.Kernel.ErrorHandler':ensure_compiled/3 will return unloaded_module, which will be subsequently passed to elixir_errors:form_error/4.

form_error(Meta, #{file := File}, Module, Desc) ->
  compile_error(Meta, File, Module:format_error(Desc));
form_error(Meta, File, Module, Desc) ->
  compile_error(Meta, File, Module:format_error(Desc)).

and become the compilation error message.

** (CompileError) absolutely-false.exs:3: module NOT_EXISTS is not loaded and could not be found

And to dig deeper, we can search :ensure_loaded in the code base and the one in elixir_expand.erl invoked in function expand/3 are what we are interested in.

expand({require, Meta, [Ref, Opts]}, S, E) ->
  assert_no_match_or_guard_scope(Meta, "require", S, E),

  {ERef, SR, ER} = expand_without_aliases_report(Ref, S, E),
  {EOpts, ST, ET}  = expand_opts(Meta, require, [as, warn], no_alias_opts(Opts), SR, ER),

    is_atom(ERef) ->
      elixir_aliases:ensure_loaded(Meta, ERef, ET),
      {ERef, ST, expand_require(Meta, ERef, EOpts, ET)};
    true ->
      form_error(Meta, E, ?MODULE, {expected_compile_time_module, require, Ref})

And this is exactly where the compilation error happens.

defmodule A do
  if false do
    require NOT_EXISTS       # <= elixir_aliases:ensure_loaded(Meta, ERef, ET),

And we can continue to search elixir_expand:expand in the source code, and we will find the function expand_quoted/7 in elixir_dispatch.erl.

expand_quoted(Meta, Receiver, Name, Arity, Quoted, S, E) ->
  Next = elixir_module:next_counter(?key(E, module)),

    ToExpand = elixir_quote:linify_with_context_counter(Meta, {Receiver, Next}, Quoted),
    elixir_expand:expand(ToExpand, S, E)
    Kind:Reason:Stacktrace ->
      MFA  = {Receiver, elixir_utils:macro_name(Name), Arity+1},
      Info = [{Receiver, Name, Arity, [{file, "expanding macro"}]}, caller(?line(Meta), E)],
      erlang:raise(Kind, Reason, prune_stacktrace(Stacktrace, MFA, Info, error))

Note that the Info on line 248 will become

    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.use/1
    (elixir 1.14.0) expanding macro: Kernel.if/2

in the stacktrace. One more step and we will find that expand_quoted/7 is called in two dispatch functions: dispatch_import/6 and dispatch_require/7 in the same file.

dispatch_require(Meta, Receiver, Name, Args, S, E, Callback) when is_atom(Receiver) ->
  Arity = length(Args),

  case elixir_rewrite:inline(Receiver, Name, Arity) of
    {AR, AN} ->
      Callback(AR, AN, Args);
    false ->
      case expand_require(Meta, Receiver, {Name, Arity}, Args, S, E) of
        {ok, Receiver, Quoted} -> expand_quoted(Meta, Receiver, Name, Arity, Quoted, S, E);
        error -> Callback(Receiver, Name, Args)

dispatch_require(_Meta, Receiver, Name, Args, _S, _E, Callback) ->
  Callback(Receiver, Name, Args).

As for elixir_dispatch:dispatch_require/7, it is invoked in two places: the first one is when processing remote calls in elixir_expand:expand/3. A remote call is to invoke/call a function in another module other than the current one. For example,

defmodule A do
  def foo, do: :ok

  def bar do
    # this is a local call

defmodule B do
  def baz do
    # this is a remote call

The second call to elixir_dispatch:dispatch_require/7 can be found in elixir_module:expand_callback/6.

expand_callback(Line, M, F, Args, Acc, Fun) ->
  E = elixir_env:reset_vars(Acc),
  S = elixir_env:env_to_ex(E),
  Meta = [{line, Line}, {required, true}],

  {EE, _S, ET} =
    elixir_dispatch:dispatch_require(Meta, M, F, Args, S, E, fun(AM, AF, AA) ->
      Fun(AM, AF, AA),
      {ok, S, E}

    is_atom(EE) ->
    true ->
        {_Value, _Binding, EF} = elixir:eval_forms(EE, [], ET),
        Kind:Reason:Stacktrace ->
          Info = {M, F, length(Args), location(Line, E)},
          erlang:raise(Kind, Reason, prune_stacktrace(Info, Stacktrace))

elixir_module:expand_callback/6 is used in two places: the first one is in Protocol.derive/5, and as the module name suggested, it is related to deriving a protocol for a module.

We can go off on a tangent here and explore what will happen if we want to derive a protocol optionally. You can skip this and jump to the second call to elixir_module:expand_callback/6.

Let's say we have already defined a protocol Derivable as the following:

defprotocol Derivable do
  def ok(arg)

defimpl Derivable, for: Any do
  defmacro __deriving__(module, struct, options) do
    quote do
      defimpl Derivable, for: unquote(module) do
        def ok(arg) do
          {:ok, arg, unquote(Macro.escape(struct)), unquote(options)}

  def ok(arg) do
    {:ok, arg}

Then there are three ways to derive a protocol for a module, and we can start with the simplest one:

  • Deriving a protocol using the @derive tag.
defmodule A do
  @derive {Derivable, option: :some_value}
  defstruct a: 0, b: 0
  • The second way is using the defimpl/3 macro in kernel.ex.
defmodule A do
  defimpl Derivable do
    def ok(_arg), do: :my_args
defmodule A do
  defstruct a: 0, b: 0

  require Protocol
  Protocol.derive(Derivable, A, option: :some_value)

What will happen if we'd like to derive a protocol from an optional module?

defmodule A do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(NOT_EXISTS) do
    @derive {NOT_EXISTS, option: :some_value}
  defstruct a: 0, b: 0

That's the first one, and the second one is shown below

defmodule A do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(NOT_EXISTS) do
    defimpl NOT_EXISTS, for: A do
  defstruct a: 0, b: 0

And the last one

defmodule A do
  defstruct a: 0, b: 0
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(NOT_EXISTS) do
    require Protocol
    Protocol.derive(NOT_EXISTS, A, option: :some_value)

All three examples that optionally derive a protocol from an optional module will compile without any issues and behave as expected. Of course, we'd like to ask the question -- why can we use if inside the defmodule to optionally derive a protocol?

Let me explain the reasons for the first way first. The @derive tag is a module attribute, and @derive tags in the same module will be collected accumulatively in a bag -- simply put, they will be stored in a list. Then the defstruct/1 macro will retrieve them from Kernel.Utils.defstruct/3 and rewrite them with Protocol.__derive__/3. (This also explains why all @derive tags must be set before defstruct/1)

defmacro defstruct(fields) do
  quote bind_quoted: [fields: fields, bootstrapped?: bootstrapped?(Enum)] do
    {struct, derive, kv, body} = Kernel.Utils.defstruct(__MODULE__, fields, bootstrapped?)

    case derive do
      [] -> :ok
      _ -> Protocol.__derive__(derive, __MODULE__, __ENV__)

    def __struct__(), do: @__struct__
    def __struct__(unquote(kv)), do: unquote(body)


Since Protocol.__derive__/3 is a function instead of a macro, it will not be evaluated/expanded when processing the branches of an if-statement. Therefore, the following code will compile and run as expected.

defmodule A do
  if Code.ensure_loaded?(NOT_EXISTS) do
    @derive {NOT_EXISTS, option: :some_value}
  defstruct a: 0, b: 0

As for the second way that uses the defimpl/3 macro in kernel.ex, although defimpl/3 is a macro, it simply rewrites the code to call the Protocol.__impl__/4 function.

defmacro defimpl(name, opts, do_block \\ []) do
  Protocol.__impl__(name, opts, do_block, __CALLER__)

So, it's similar to the first one, the call to the function Protocol.__impl__/4 will not be evaluated when processing the branches of an if-statement.

The same reason goes for the last one: Protocol.derive/3 is a function, so it will not be evaluated when processing the branches of an if-statement.

Let's get back on track. The second call to elixir_module:expand_callback/6 can be found in eval_callbacks/5 in elixir_module.erl.

eval_callbacks(Line, DataBag, Name, Args, E) ->
  Callbacks = bag_lookup_element(DataBag, {accumulate, Name}, 2),
  lists:foldl(fun({M, F}, Acc) ->
    expand_callback(Line, M, F, Args, Acc, fun(AM, AF, AA) -> apply(AM, AF, AA) end)
  end, E, Callbacks).

eval_callbacks/5 is called in the same file in two different functions (actually one function, depending on how you see this). The first line it appears in the file is inside the compile/5 function (line 161). The second time it appears is in the eval_form/6 function (line 378).

However, eval_form/6 is only called once from the compile/5 function. The obvious difference is that the third argument passed by eval_form/6 is before_compile whereas compile/5 passes after_compile. So I guess you could say that eval_callbacks/5 is called in one function, compile/5.

compile(Line, Module, Block, Vars, E) ->
  File = ?key(E, file),
  check_module_availability(Line, File, Module),
  ModuleAsCharlist = validate_module_name(Line, File, Module),

  CompilerModules = compiler_modules(),
  {Tables, Ref} = build(Line, File, Module),
  {DataSet, DataBag} = Tables,

    put_compiler_modules([Module | CompilerModules]),
    {Result, NE} = eval_form(Line, Module, DataBag, Block, Vars, E),
    CheckerInfo = checker_info(),

Based on the value of the third argument, and what we have is a compilation error, we can confirm that the compilation error is thrown when calling eval_form/6 with the third argument as before_compile.

And we are very close to connecting all the dots: eval_form/6 is called from elixir_module:compile/5, and elixir_module:compile/5 is called in elixir_module:compile/4, which is exactly the code that defmodule rewrites to!

So, if eval_callbacks/5 in eval_form/6 is successfully executed, and there are no other errors, we can expect the optimize_boolean/1 function in build_if/2

Connecting the Dots

Let's first reproduce the whole process with the code that will cause a compilation error.

defmodule A do
  if false do
    use NOT_EXISTS

And we start from the shell command mix run --no-mix-exs absolutely-false.exs. The entry point for mix run [argv...] is, and it will parse command line arguments and call run/5.

def run(args) do
  {opts, head} =
      aliases: [r: :require, p: :parallel, e: :eval, c: :config],
      strict: [
        parallel: :boolean,
        require: :keep,
        eval: :keep,
        config: :keep,
        mix_exs: :boolean,
        halt: :boolean,
        compile: :boolean,
        deps_check: :boolean,
        start: :boolean,
        archives_check: :boolean,
        elixir_version_check: :boolean,
        parallel_require: :keep,
        preload_modules: :boolean

  run(args, opts, head, &Code.eval_string/1, &Code.require_file/1)
  unless Keyword.get(opts, :halt, true), do: System.no_halt(true)

In this example, {opts, head} will be

{[mix_exs: false], ["absolutely-false.exs"]}

In run/5, we can ignore other checks and focus on the call to the callback function file_evaulator.(file). And since file_evaulator is just &Code.require_file/1, we can jump to the function require_file/1 in the code.ex file.

def require_file(file, relative_to \\ nil) when is_binary(file) do
  {charlist, file} = find_file!(file, relative_to)

  case{:acquire, file}) do
    :required ->

    :proceed ->
      loaded =
        Module.ParallelChecker.verify(fn ->
          :elixir_compiler.string(charlist, file, fn _, _ -> :ok end)

      :elixir_code_server.cast({:required, file})

find_file!/2 expands the relative path to the absolute path of the file and reads the whole file into a char list. Then will check if the file is already required (compiled), if yes, we will do nothing; if not compiled yet, :elixir_compiler.string/3 will be called to compile the code.

string(Contents, File, Callback) ->
  Forms = elixir:'string_to_quoted!'(Contents, 1, 1, File, elixir_config:get(parser_options)),
  quoted(Forms, File, Callback).

elixir:'string_to_quoted!'/5 will pass the file content to the tokenizer and convert tokens to their quoted form.

'string_to_quoted!'(String, StartLine, StartColumn, File, Opts) ->
  case string_to_tokens(String, StartLine, StartColumn, File, Opts) of
    {ok, Tokens} ->
      case tokens_to_quoted(Tokens, File, Opts) of
        {ok, Forms} ->
        {error, {Meta, Error, Token}} ->
          elixir_errors:parse_error(Meta, File, Error, Token, {String, StartLine, StartColumn})
    {error, {Meta, Error, Token}} ->
      elixir_errors:parse_error(Meta, File, Error, Token, {String, StartLine, StartColumn})

The following AST will be emitted for this code:

{:defmodule, [line: 1],
   {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:A]},
     do: {:if, [line: 2],
        [do: {:use, [line: 3], [{:__aliases__, [line: 3], [:NOT_EXISTS]}]}]

Next, elixir_compiler:quoted/3 will process the quoted form -- evaluate or compile the code with the local lexical environment in eval_or_compile/3.

quoted(Forms, File, Callback) ->
  Previous = get(elixir_module_binaries),

    put(elixir_module_binaries, []),
    Env = (elixir_env:new())#{line := 1, file := File, tracers := elixir_config:get(tracers)},

      fun (LexicalEnv) -> eval_or_compile(Forms, [], LexicalEnv) end,
      fun (#{lexical_tracker := Pid}) -> Callback(File, Pid) end

    put(elixir_module_binaries, Previous)

The implementation of eval_or_compile/3 is:

eval_or_compile(Forms, Args, E) ->
  case (?key(E, module) == nil) andalso allows_fast_compilation(Forms) andalso
        (not elixir_config:is_bootstrap()) of
    true  -> fast_compile(Forms, E);
    false -> compile(Forms, Args, E)

allows_fast_compilations/1 will check if this file always defines a module, if yes, we can skip some steps in compile/3 and always define the module.

allows_fast_compilation({'__block__', _, Exprs}) ->
  lists:all(fun allows_fast_compilation/1, Exprs);
allows_fast_compilation({defmodule, _, [_, [{do, _}]]}) ->
allows_fast_compilation(_) ->

And the AST shown above indeed matches the one in the middle, therefore, we can do fast_compile/2.

fast_compile({defmodule, Meta, [Mod, [{do, TailBlock}]]}, NoLineE) ->
  E = NoLineE#{line := ?line(Meta)},

  Block = {'__block__', Meta, [
    {'=', Meta, [{result, Meta, ?MODULE}, TailBlock]},
    {{'.', Meta, [elixir_utils, noop]}, Meta, []},
    {result, Meta, ?MODULE}

  Expanded = case Mod of
    {'__aliases__', _, _} ->
      case elixir_aliases:expand_or_concat(Mod, E) of
        Receiver when is_atom(Receiver) -> Receiver;
        _ -> 'Elixir.Macro':expand(Mod, E)

    _ ->
      'Elixir.Macro':expand(Mod, E)

  ContextModules = [Expanded | ?key(E, context_modules)],
  elixir_module:compile(Expanded, Block, [], E#{context_modules := ContextModules}).

After the pattern matching, we get

Meta = [line: 1]
Mod = {:__aliases__, [line: 1], [:A]}
TailBlock = 
  {:if, [line: 2],
      [do: {:use, [line: 3], [{:__aliases__, [line: 3], [:NOT_EXISTS]}]}]

Now we can jump right into elixir_module:compile/4 which will call elixir_module:compile/5. And expect the compilation error right after calling elixir_module:eval_form/6 in elixir_module:compile/5. And you know the rest of the story.

What about the code that can achieve our goal?

if false do
  defmodule A do
    use NOT_EXISTS

The AST of the above code is

{:if, [line: 1],
     do: {:defmodule, [line: 2],
        {:__aliases__, [line: 2], [:A]},
        [do: {:use, [line: 3], [{:__aliases__, [line: 3], [:NOT_EXISTS]}]}]

And now the difference is that we cannot do fast_compile/2 because the file may not define a module. Therefore, now we will take the compile/3 route in eval_or_compile/3.

compile(Quoted, ArgsList, E) ->
  {Expanded, SE, EE} = elixir_expand:expand(Quoted, elixir_env:env_to_ex(E), E),
  elixir_env:check_unused_vars(SE, EE),

  {Module, Fun, Purgeable} =
    elixir_erl_compiler:spawn(fun() -> spawned_compile(Expanded, E) end),

  Args = list_to_tuple(ArgsList),
  {dispatch(Module, Fun, Args, Purgeable), EE}.

And the variable Expanded will be something like this

{:case, [line: 1, optimize_boolean: true],
     do: [
       {:->, [generated: true, line: 1], [[false], nil]},
       {:->, [generated: true, line: 1],
          {:__block__, [line: 2],
             {{:., [line: 2], [:elixir_module, :compile]}, [line: 2],

As we can see from this intermediate output, optimize_boolean/1 has already been called and gives us the tuple {:case, [line: 1, optimize_boolean: true], [false, [do: ...]]}.

In spawned_compile/2, we will translate quoted elixir expressions and variables to the forms that erlang can compile them into .beam binary.

spawned_compile(ExExprs, #{line := Line, file := File} = E) ->
  {Vars, S} = elixir_erl_var:from_env(E),
  {ErlExprs, _} = elixir_erl_pass:translate(ExExprs, erl_anno:new(Line), S),

  Module = retrieve_compiler_module(),
  Fun  = code_fun(?key(E, module)),
  Forms = code_mod(Fun, ErlExprs, Line, File, Module, Vars),

  {Module, Binary} = elixir_erl_compiler:noenv_forms(Forms, File, [nowarn_nomatch, no_bool_opt, no_ssa_opt]),
  code:load_binary(Module, "", Binary),
  {Module, Fun, is_purgeable(Module, Binary)}.

In function is_purgeable/2 we test if the beam binary has any labeled locals,

is_purgeable(Module, Binary) ->
  beam_lib:chunks(Binary, [labeled_locals]) == {ok, {Module, [{labeled_locals, []}]}}.

If not, we can evaluate the code and return the evaluated result as the compiled output (in function dispatch/4, and dispatch/4 was called in the compile/3 route).

dispatch(Module, Fun, Args, Purgeable) ->
  Res = Module:Fun(Args),
  Purgeable andalso code:purge(Module),
  return_compiler_module(Module, Purgeable),

In this example, Res will be nil because the condition used in the if-statement is false (and the false branch can be purged); meanwhile, as there is no true branch, the result of the true branch will be evaluated to the default value, nil.

Therefore, if we were using Code.ensure_loaded?/1 as the condition, it would also be evaluated to either true or false at compile-time. If it is false, then everything in the false branch will be purged, so we won't encounter any compilation errors for the following code.

if Code.ensure_loaded?(NOT_EXISTS) do
  defmodule A do
    use NOT_EXISTS

will be evaluated to

if false do
  defmodule A do
    use NOT_EXISTS

# actually, it will be evaluated to something like this
case false do
  false -> 
    defmodule A do
      use NOT_EXISTS
  true ->

and the false branch will be purged, which leaves us only nil


Debug Erlang NIF library on macOS and Linux

Debug Erlang NIF library on macOS with Xcode

(Almost) Universal Steps

First of all, set CFLAGS that compiles the NIF library with debuginfo. (Of course, your compile script needs to pick up the CFLAGS environment variable and append/prepend it to other cflags).

# Compile NIF library with debug info (macOS and Linux)
export CFLAGS="-g3 -fno-omit-frame-pointer"

# Enable address sanitizer on Linux
#   We can use address sanitizer on macOS too
#   But it's more easy to use that in Xcode, I'll get to that bit later
#   Also, note that we cannot use static libasan, i.e., "-static-libasan"
#   For some reason, it won't compile if we specify that compile option
export CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -fsanitize=address"

Next, get necessary info about the Erlang VM on your machine and set environment variables required by erlexec.

# Get full commands from mix
# It should be something like
#   "erl -pa ..."

# Only keep the arguments
# " -pa ..."
export CMD_ARGS="${COMMANDS:3}"

# Find the erl script
# The result could be something like
#   - If you/your package manager put erl in /usr/local
#     "/usr/local/bin/erl"
#   - If you installed erlang by asdf
#     "${HOME}/.asdf/shims/erl"
export ERL="$(which erl)"

# Either way, lets get the parent dir of the parent dir of the erl binary
#   - "/usr/local"
#   - "${HOME}/.asdf"
export ERL_BASE="$(dirname $(dirname ${ERL}))"

# Find the erlexec binary
#   erl is just a shell script that sets up the environment vars
#     and then starts erlexec
export ERLEXEC="$(find "${ERL_BASE}" -name erlexec)"

# Set three required environment variables
#   1. BINDIR. 
#      The directory that erlexec resides in
export BINDIR="$(dirname ${ERLEXEC})"

#   2. ROOTDIR. 
#      This one is a little bit tricky as there are some difference 
#        between the asdf version and others.
#      But it's just the directory where the file start.boot resides in.
#      Note that we might find two start.boot files in ${ERL_BASE},
#        one is used for release while not the other. 
#      We need the other one.      
export START_BOOT="$(find $ERL_BASE -name start.boot | grep -v release)"
export ROOTDIR="$(dirname $(dirname ${START_BOOT}))"

#   3. EMU
#      Should just be beam
export EMU=beam

Now you might need to make some minor changes to the Makefile to accommodate the debugging purpose. Let's take a simple Makefile as example.


C_SRC = $(shell pwd)/c_src
LIB_SRC = $(shell pwd)/lib
CPPFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) -std=c++14 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic
LDFLAGS += -shared

UNAME_S := $(shell uname -s)
ifeq ($(UNAME_S),Darwin)
	LDFLAGS += -undefined dynamic_lookup -flat_namespace -undefined suppress


build: clean $(NIF_SO)

	@ if [ -z "${NOT_SKIP_COMPILE}" ]; then \
		rm -f $(NIF_SO) ; \

	@ mkdir -p $(PRIV_DIR)
	@ if [ -z "${NOT_SKIP_COMPILE}" ]; then \
		$(CC) $(CPPFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(C_SRC)/nif.cpp -o $(NIF_SO) ; \

Note that we use the environment variable NOT_SKIP_COMPILE to indicate whether to recompile the shared library. If NOT_SKIP_COMPILE is empty or does not exist in env, then the shared library will be recompiled each time we call mix test (or other commands).


Debug with lldb in terminal

On macOS, we can use either lldb or Xcode (with lldb, of course). To test the NIF library with lldb, we need

# This is basically the full version of the "mix test" command
lldb -- ${ERLEXEC} ${CMD_ARGS} test
(lldb) run
(lldb) c

Debug with Xcode in GUI

IMHO, this approach should make things much easier.

First, open Xcode and select "Debug executable..." in "Debug" from the menubar. Then choose erlexec in Finder. You can get the path to erlexec by

echo ${ERLEXEC}

After choosing erlexec, we'll need to set a few things in Xcode

Scheme - Run Debug

Add one entry in Arguments Passed On Launch, copy and paste everything in ${CMD_ARGS} to the new entry.

Add a second entry and write test. This is basically the full version of the mix test command.

And we need to set these environment variables, CFLAGS, BINDIR, ROOTDIR and EMU. You should have similar values as shown in the screenshot below.

Fill in launch arguments and set environment variables

To enable address sanitizer and/or enable other debug tools, you can click the Diagnostics tab and enable the ones you need.

Set working directory to the root directory of the mix project.

Also, we need to set the working directory in the Options tab to the root directory of the mix project.

With everything set correctly in the scheme panel, you can close it and click run or command+R to debug the NIF library in Xcode.

And because the NIF library is compiled with debuginfo, Xcode can jump to the line that triggers a crash. Moreover, you can also set breakpoints and rerun the test.

Various debug information is available

Furthermore, if you compiled erlang locally and you didn't delete the erlang source code, then stepping into erlang functions will also bring you to the corresponding line in the erlang source code! (Note, this feature is also available no matter we debug the NIF library in GUI or terminal, macOS or Linux. But to me, it's really easier to navigate and see variable values in Xcode.)

Step into Erlang functions and view variable values in Xcode.


To run address sanitizer on the NIF library, we need to do it in two steps. First, compile the shared library with the CFLAGS we just exported to the env. Second, inject to erlexec. Sounds hard, but it is really simple.

# First, compile the shared library
#   Ignore the error message from libasan
bash -c "$ERLEXEC $CMD_ARGS test" || true

# Secondly, get the path to and set LD_PRELOAD
#   so that it will be loaded before erlexec
export LIBASAN_SO="$(gcc"

If everything goes smoothly, libasan will print diagnosis messages after the process exits, for example

LD_PRELOAD=$(gcc NOT_SKIP_COMPILE=skip /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/erlang/24.2/erts-12.2/bin/erlexec -pa /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/../lib/eex/ebin /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/../lib/elixir/ebin /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/../lib/ex_unit/ebin /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/../lib/iex/ebin /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/../lib/logger/ebin /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/../lib/mix/ebin -elixir ansi_enabled true -noshell -s elixir start_cli -extra /home/cocoa/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.13.2/bin/mix test

==1663086==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks

Direct leak of 15 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    #0 0x7f2f67180bc8 in malloc (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/
    #1 0x55b4f9b53498 in my_malloc /home/cocoa/.asdf/plugins/erlang/kerl-home/builds/asdf_24.2/otp_src_24.2/erts/etc/common/inet_gethost.c:2656

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 15 byte(s) leaked in 1 allocation(s).
make: Nothing to be done for 'build'.
Compiling 1 file (.ex)

Finished in 0.1 seconds (0.00s async, 0.1s sync)
9 tests, 0 failures

Randomized with seed 139197

==1663020==ERROR: LeakSanitizer: detected memory leaks

Direct leak of 344064 byte(s) in 42 object(s) allocated from:
    #0 0x7f125d2b9bc8 in malloc (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/
    #1 0x559e2393f3a1 in sys_thread_init_signal_stack sys/unix/sys_signal_stack.c:278

Direct leak of 8192 byte(s) in 1 object(s) allocated from:
    #0 0x7f125d2b9bc8 in malloc (/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/9/
    #1 0x559e2393f3ef in sys_thread_init_signal_stack sys/unix/sys_signal_stack.c:278
    #2 0x559e2393f3ef in sys_init_signal_stack sys/unix/sys_signal_stack.c:292

SUMMARY: AddressSanitizer: 352256 byte(s) leaked in 43 allocation(s).

Use rustler with nerves + cross-compile

TL;DR: adding ~21 lines of code can remove the need for pre-compiled NIF files if you want to cross-compile an Elixir library that relies on rustler to your nerves build.

Rustler is a Safe Rust bridge for creating Erlang NIF functions, and Nerves lets you Craft and deploy bulletproof embedded software in Elixir. Now, let's put them together, in a better and easier way.

There is an html5ever_elixir repo on the rusterlium GitHub organisation. It is a great project that allows you to use html5ever in Elixir. It also comes with some pre-compiled NIF files covering the most commonly seen operating systems, CPU architectures and ABIs.

If you want to want to deploy any Elixir library that relies on rustler to your Nerves project, you'll have to somehow obtain a pre-compiled NIF file that corresponds to your Nerves build target. For example, say you want to deploy to a Raspberry Pi 4, then you'll need to pre-compile your library with the target named aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. You can do that by

  • pre-compiling the NIF file on your own machine
  • downloading the pre-compiled the NIF file from the library's provider, like html5ever_elixir

Either way, you have to do something manually. How do we avoid those tedious things?

Well, it's not quite hard to smooth out the process as rust can do cross-compile for you as long as you have (1) the target added to your host machine, (2) and the cross-compile toolchain.

The first requirement is super easy to satisfy:

# use aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu here
# you can see the full list by
# rustc --print target-list
rustup target add aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu

As for the second requirement, Nerves will automatically download the pre-built toolchain.

mix nerves_project
cd nerves_project
export MIX_TARGET=rpi4
mix deps.get
# the root directory of this toolchain will be
# ~/.nerves/artifacts/nerves_toolchain_\${NERVES_TARGET_TRIPLE}-\${HOST_OS}_\${HOST_ARCH}-\${TOOLCHAIN_VER}/

${NERVES_TARGET_TRIPLE} here will be aarch64_nerves_linux_gnu. ${HOST_OS} is either linux or darwin, depends on which OS you're using. The same goes for ${HOST_ARCH}, depends on your host machine's CPU arch. Let denote the root directory of the toolchain as ${TOOLCHAIN_ROOT} (we will refer to this path later).

To cross-compile on the host, a few lines of code needs to be added to the library's mix.exs file.

Firstly, we can see that ${NERVES_TARGET_TRIPLE} is different from the target triple used in rustc, which is aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. Therefore we need a compile-time map for the translation

  @nerves_rust_target_triple_mapping %{
    "armv6-nerves-linux-gnueabihf": "arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf",
    "armv7-nerves-linux-gnueabihf": "armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf",
    "aarch64-nerves-linux-gnu": "aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu",
    "x86_64-nerves-linux-musl": "x86_64-unknown-linux-musl"

Then we need to check if this library is being compiled to a Nerves build. Luckily, Nerves exports a number of environment variables, and here we will try to get the value of NERVES_SDK_SYSROOT. If we get a string, then this will be a Nerves build; otherwise, we don't need to do anything special.

def project do
  if is_binary(System.get_env("NERVES_SDK_SYSROOT")) do
    components = System.get_env("CC")
      |> tap(&System.put_env("RUSTFLAGS", "-C linker=#{&1}"))
      |> Path.basename()
      |> String.split("-")

    target_triple =
      |> Enum.slice(0, Enum.count(components) - 1)
      |> Enum.join("-")

    mapping = Map.get(@nerves_rust_target_triple_mapping, String.to_atom(target_triple))
    if is_binary(mapping) do
      System.put_env("RUSTLER_TARGET", mapping)
  # ... no more changes below ...
      app: ... ,
      version: ...,

In the code above, we put a new environment variable RUSTFLAGS and set its value to -C linker=${CC}. The value of ${CC} is also automatically set by Nerves. So, here we explicitly tell rustc which linker to use as we don't want to use the linker on the host machine. ${CC} in this example is


The next step of the code in project/0 is to extract and map the ${NERVES_TARGET_TRIPLE} to corresponding target in rustc. The mapped value will be set to a new environment variable RUSTLER_TARGET.

Lastly, add the target option to the use clause in the correspondingly .ex file to tell rustlter which target we are going to build.

defmodule Example.Nif do
  @moduledoc false

  # defp make_target_flag(args, target) when is_binary(target)
  # so it is fine if we get `:nil`
  use Rustler, otp_app: :exmaple, crate: "example_nif", target: System.get_env("RUSTLER_TARGET")

  def your_nif_function, do: :erlang.nif_error(:not_loaded)

Here you go! No more pre-compiled NIF files are needed for different Nerves build (once PR #423 is approved and merged)! An example project can be found here and also its CI build logs for almost all Nerves targets.